River Barrow

Michelle and Conor - Summer Wedding by Aidan Oliver Weldon

Michelle and Conor were married in July this year in St Mary's Church Barrowhouse. Michelle had her bridal preparations in Portmarnock and headed off to Barrowhouse for the ceremony. The reception was in the Clanard Court Hotel which a few miles from the venue through the picturesque & busy town of Athy. 

This booking came as a result of photographic friends of theirs wedding last year, i.e, Eva and Gavin. I'll be posting this wedding soon as I was waiting for the ability to post a video inside the blog. 

All I can reiterate here is that this wedding was fun, absolute and utter fun, two people made for each other and so full of life. 

I particularly love the series of images that were taken on top of the bridge near the canal as. Conor saw a branch which was caught up in Michelle's dress which he removed. Being a tall lad and both being absolute characters the he removed this branch but not without this moment being translated into a fun scene - it made for the series of photos, a kind gesture turned into a photographic opportunity. This is what we as photographers see, opportunities at every corner, observing and documenting, the whole shebang. During our pre-wedding talks Conor mentioned to me that there was a field full of grain at the back of the hotel which was aching to be used for a couple of shots so fingers crossed we set out for a look and it was dry, phew...

Have a look at a selection of images of the day below to get a feel for the day as it unfolded. 

Supplier list:

  • Venue: Clanard Court Hotel
  • Photographer: Aidan Oliver Photography
  • Church: St Marys Barrowhouse